10 ESSENTIAL TIPS DO! Uncategorized

#2 – Stop DREAMING. Start DOING!

I’ll admit, I can get really stuck in dreamland. It can be quite addictive. But eventually, if you ever want to get anything done, you have to stop. Which brings us to our next to last tip…

Essential Interior Design Tip #2:


Got it?…maybe not. That’s because you can’t skip straight to doing. You’d be skipping right over the most important part. In order to “do” you have to know what to do. Dreaming alone doesn’t get you there!

Dreaming is too fuzzy. It doesn’t produce anything real. As discussed in our last post, it’s conceptual. We utilize dreaming to come up with our concept, which for our homes is equivalent to our style. Our style is our FOUNDATION. Our jumping off point.

So how do you get from DREAM to DO?

The Design Process of course! Remember that? I talk about it A LOT (here and here)! About how design IS a process. It’s what differentiates design from decorating (talked about here and here).

In short, this is how I define the process:

Design = DREAM + DECIDE + DO

DECIDING is that crucial phase between DREAMING and DOING. It’s what propels you to DO!

DECIDE = the absolute “heart” of the design process. Skip this and your room will flat line!

Once you’ve defined your concept, REVealed Your Style, it’s time to move on.

You’re done dreaming!

It’s time to take that inspiration and turn it into something useful. Time to DECIDE how to turn those DREAMS into reality.

“Exactly what should you DECIDE?”

  • Which room?
  • How much to spend?
  • Your timeline?
  • What activities need to happen in the space?
  • How many people should be accommodated?
  • How should the room feel? Evoke emotion? Express your style?
  • What are your space limitations?
  • What can you reuse? (Tip #7 : Shop Yourself First)
  • What should you buy new?
  • What are your storage needs? Electrical? Plumbing?…
  • Do you need a contractor? If so, how will you obtain bids?

I could go on, but you get it! This is where MOST of your decisions are made. I say “most” because as you start DOING there will be unforeseen occurrences and you will again have to make some decisions.

But the idea is the more decisions you make beforehand, the more smoothly your project will go. The happier you will be with the whole process!


Do NOT short-change the DECIDE Phase. This is where majority of your time should be spent. This is where the MAGIC happens!

I repeat:

DECIDE – It’s the HEART of any design project!

It’s time to stop DREAMING and start DECIDING. Only then can you get to the DOING of creating and enjoying that DREAM room!

And finally we’re on to the Numero Uno Tip. The one you’ve been so eagerly awaiting…

Essential Interior Design Tip #1: (You’ll just have to view it next to find out)


#1 – You MUST Have a Plan!

Essential Interior Design Tip #1 — the absolute BEST, most important Tip I can EVER give you…

You MUST have a PLAN!!! And by “plan” I mean drawings (Floor Plan and Wall Elevations for sure) and checklists.

“Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Kim! (I imagine this is what you’re thinking). That sounds strangely like a rule. And you said in design, there are no rules. In fact you said it here, here, and here!

You’re right. It is a rule – kinda. A rule “for” design. Not “in” design. See the difference?

If you’ve been following along with this blog at all then you already know that “design” is a process…a planning process. Without first planning what you are going to do, there is no design.

Without a plan, “DESIGN” does not exist! And there can’t be rules for something that does not even exist! 

Intellectually, you probably already know all this. You’re probably familiar with the following cliches:

  • Fail to plan. Plan to fail.
  • Start with the end in mind.
  • You wouldn’t build a house without a blueprint.

And a little Bible quote to really bring it home:

  • Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 KJV

So given all this common-sense, why do we (yes, I do it too) still try to skip straight from DREAMING to DOING by going shopping first?

I believe we rationalize this by telling ourselves:

“I don’t have ENOUGH!”

  • Not enough money.
  • Not enough time.
  • Not enough creativity.
  • Not enough skill.
  • Not enough ______.

Well guess what? There’s never enough.

Remember from our last post that part between DREAM + {?} + DO

DECIDE – the heart of design.

Well here’s what happens when you try to skip over that heart:

You waste time.

You waste money.

You waste creative energy.

This is a little scenario that I see play out time and time again:

You need a sofa. But you don’t have a lot of money or time, and you really don’t think you could pull-off a whole room by yourself anyway. So you start by going shopping for a sofa first.

You find the perfect sofa. It’s beautiful in the showroom. You know you’re living room is plenty big. You even measured it so you know it ought to fit. It’s a neutral color, so it should go with everything you already have since you’re not redoing the whole room right now. You have it delivered ASAP.

But when you get it in your living room, you realize it takes up the entire space. There’s hardly any room for anything else. And it totally blocks the flow of the room. On top of that, you discover that your “neutral” colored sofa has a greenish undertone, when the rest of your neutral room has a pinkish undertone. It didn’t look that green in the store (hint: different lighting).

So now what?…You decide you need to get more new furniture, because your old stuff just doesn’t work with the sofa. And you might need new flooring. At least an area rug to disguise the fact that the sofa clashes with the existing carpet. And maybe you should re-paint. Maybe pick a color this time because everything is just SO neutral. Maybe add some lamps or upgrade the lighting because the room is looking a lit-tle drab.

And what the heck, while you’re at it you should just get some new artwork and accessories too. And after all this. Time. Money. Creative energy. SPENT! You are still not pleased with the end result. Your diagnosis…

“I’m just not creative. I’m just not good with color. I’m just not good at design.”

WRONG! You didn’t even attempt to design.

You tried to skip that part.

You went shopping first.

And then you let a sofa boss you around, making your design decisions for you.

The absolute best advice I can ever give you is this:

Design your room, the whole room, on paper BEFORE you buy a thing.

Even if you can’t afford it all right now, you’ll have a prioritized plan with the major decisions already made.

Now your purchases aren’t in charge. You are!

There are no short-cuts. The fact is that “design” (having a plan) SAVES you time and money…not to mention stress and headaches!

Having a plan means…

  • You’ve defined your concept by REVealing your Style – so you know it “goes.”
  • You’ve measured and drawn your space to scale – so you know it “fits.”
  • You’ve identified your color palette – so you know it “works.”
  • You’ve listed your needs – so you know it “functions.”
  • You’ve prioritized your wants – so you know it’s “practical.”
  • You’ve got a basic understanding of the Principles and Elements of design – so you know it’s “balanced.” (Here’s a post on that)
  • You now have confidence in your design decisions.

So that’s a wrap!

I hope you’ve learned something, or at least enjoyed our Series:

REV’s 10 Essential Interior Design Tips {Ignore at your own risk}

And now that we’re finally finished, I’d like to move on to the actual Process itself. It’s obviously something I’m ferociously passionate about!

BTW – there is an actual Design Process. I’m not just making stuff up. They teach it in design school. Architects, engineers, other creatives use the same process.

Be sure to join REV’s email list (upper right corner) to get your FREE copy of REV’s Design Process: 3 Stages | 6 Phases

Thanks for following! XO -Kim





This category will be here shortly! Thanks for your patience.

DECIDE DO! DREAM Uncategorized

Confession of a Lazy Designer

OK, let me backtrack that a little…

I’m like a 1/3 lazy designer. I’m a lazy DOER. As in DO-It-Yourself-ER.

In my last series of posts, I explained that “design” is a process. To elaborate, that process consists of 3 main stages:

Design = DREAM + DECIDE + DO

If you’re a lazy DREAMER then you have no motivation to start.

If you’re a lazy DECIDER then you will never get to the DOING because you can’t DECIDE what to DO.

If you’re a lazy DOER (like me) nothing will ever get DONE.

I don’t mean that as a professional designer I never get anything done. If that were the case I could hardly call myself professional. But when it comes to designing my own home, I’m the definition of a lazy DOER!

I contend that we are all lazy in at least one of these tasks. That’s why it takes a collaborative team to create a successful design project.

I’m not a lazy DECIDER.

And I’m sure as heck not a lazy DREAMER! (Isn’t that an oxymoron?)

But I am a lazy DOER.

Now you might be thinking that as a designer, I probably shouldn’t be admitting this. I mean after all, if you hired me, you’d want your space to be completed.

As in DONE, by a DOER, who DOES meticulous work!

Well if you hired me you would get that…because after all the DREAMING and DECIDING, I would then hire top-notch DOERS to implement all those creative DREAMS-turned-thoughtful-DECISIONS, producing that room of your DREAMS!

I may be a lazy DOER, but I’m a crack-shot DREAMER-DECIDER!

I thrive on taking DREAMS and DECIDING what to do with them. Planning how to get from point A-Z makes me giddy. But by the time we get to the DOING part, the implementation, I’m B-O-R-E-D! Ready to move on to the next project. Ready to get DREAMING again.

This probably isn’t the best thing to admit, but then it wouldn’t be much of a confession would it.

So you might be wondering, if REVyourRoom is supposed to “REVolve around you” – then why am I talking so much about me? – This is my attempt to demonstrate just how perfectly our differing passions compliment each other.

So let’s talk about YOU!

As a designer I can’t tell you how many times people have said to me,

“I can do the work if someone would tell me what to do.”

You’re NOT a lazy DOER.

You’re probably not a lazy DREAMER either (that’s the fun part).

But dare I say that you could be a lazy DECIDER.

And unlike me, “lazy” is probably not the right word for you. Perhaps another word or phrase would be better.

Not lazy, just…

  • Overwhelmed.
  • Stuck.
  • Pressed for time.
  • Short on funds.
  • Not sure where to start.
  • Afraid of making costly mistakes.
  • Afraid to fail {epically!}…

The list goes on and on, but let’s call all of these what they really are – excuses. Excuses that prevent you from having the home of your DREAMS. Well it’s time to kick those excuses to the curb!

I’m here to tell you that you can have your DREAM home without spending a fortune or spinning your wheels – sparing your sanity!

You just need someone to come along-side and show you what to DO, how to DO it, and why to DO it that way. Someone like…oh I don’t know…REVdesign!

That’s why I created the Design REVolution: 3 Stages | 6 Phases!

Through this public blog I’ll continue to show you the “what” and the “why” of design.

Through the REVdesign Membership site (coming soon), I will walk you through each step of the design process, in a non-overwhelming way, explaining it so that you can apply your own creativity and be confident in your own choices.

So if you suspect that you’re a “lazy” DREAMER or DECIDER (and I mean that in the most loving way) and you find yourself needing some help, the first thing you should DO is follow this blog by leaving your email above. Plus you’ll get a FREEBIE printable outlining the 3 Stage | 6 Phase Design Process.

And go “Like” the REVdesign Facebook page. And better yet leave me your comments or questions. I’d love to help.

Let’s DREAM, DECIDE, and DO this design thing together!

REV-Up! Kim

DESIGN vs DECORATE Uncategorized

Should You Hire a Designer or a Decorator?

“Should I hire an interior designer or an interior decorator?”

That’s where we left off in the last post. Here’s the deal, you have to decide what type of professional you’ll need based on your individual project requirements. That might not sound very helpful, but here’s what you don’t want to happen:

You don’t want to hire someone and find out half way through the project that they don’t possess the specific skills needed to complete your project to your expectations.

This doesn’t mean that you have to know how it should be designed (that’s why you’re hiring someone). But you do need to have a pretty good idea of what the final outcome will be. Not exactly what it will look like, but how you anticipate your room will feel and function.

For example,

  • Do you need help picking materials and colors? Or deciding on drapes and accessories?
  • Is your entire room or house in need of a complete overhaul?
  • Is it strictly a cosmetic overhaul?
  • Will it require some demolition, construction, electrical, or plumbing work?

You have to determine your needs beforehand so that you can make a good hiring decision. If your project requires other professionals (like an architect, contractor, plumber, etc…) then you need to know that the person you hire to design your project understands how to navigate that entire collaborative process. You will need a designer.

You will NOT be able to determine if a person is a “designer” based on what they call themself OR their services!

Let’s face it, people don’t know what they don’t know. This is true in all industries, but especially in Interior Design, because there’s so much confusion about the difference between design and decorating. Even amongst professionals.

Many people who exclusively provide decorating services don’t even know that’s not really design. They think that what they do, decorate, is ALL there is to design. That they are the same thing.

They don’t know there’s an entire design process and that they are just providing the last step of that process. Therefore they innocently continue to refer to themselves as designers.

To complicate things further, many actual designers, those who know and employ the process, often take on decorating projects but they still call themselves “designers” and their services “design.”

For whatever reason, they do not draw any kind of distinction between the two, confusing the issue even more. This is probably because it’s so hard to articulate the subtle difference between the terms. Obviously – as evidenced here by my ramblings!

It’s my hope, that if you get only one thing out of these ramblings it’s this:

Not all projects require the entire design process. Sometimes they just require the last step…decoration.

If that’s the case, then a person’s title really doesn’t matter. A designer or a decorator could get the job done. Without your own understanding of your project needs, you will not be able to assess your potential designer’s ability to complete your project.

If you determine that your project does require a designer, be sure to ask your candidates about their process…this should tell you everything you need to know! If they don’t have one, or much of one, they’re NOT you’re guy!

Of course you’ll also want to carefully consider your candidates’ credentials and previous work, but the most important factor is how well you connect with the person you ultimately end up hiring.

The journey is just as important as the destination.

And speaking of credentials…you might be wondering if it’s important to hire a design professional that has the 3E’s (Education, Experience, Examination)?

Again, it depends on your project, but all other things being equal, I’d recommend choosing the 3E’s every time!

I don’t know about you but I’m ready to move on to a new topic! Like maybe the actual design process itself…

If you’d like to get more interior design REVelations, leave your email above! Not to mention that you’ll get a FREE outline of the REVdesign Process…can’t beat that!

REV-Up! -Kim

DESIGN vs DECORATE Uncategorized

Designer vs. Decorator – Yes, There IS a Difference

After all that differentiating between the terms design and decorating, we’re still left with the questions:

“Is there a difference between an Interior Designer and an Interior Decorator?

And if so, which one should I hire?”

Since we determined that there is in fact a difference between design and decorating, I think it’s safe to say that “yes” there is also a difference between a designer and a decorator.

In an earlier post I stated that:

Designers design and decorators decorate.

But now that we’ve thoroughly explored the difference between design and decoration, I think it makes more sense to say:

Designers design AND decorate, while decorators just decorate.

When we defined design, we said it’s a process and that decorating is the final step in that process.

Given this, I would define a designer as someone who engages in that process and concentrates on the project as a whole. Someone who is equally concerned with the functional aspect as well as the look of the entire space.

Through the use of concept, floor plans, elevations, photos, samples, details, renderings, etc…A designer will present you with a complete vision and a plan to achieve that vision (subject to your approval) before your project ever even begins.

A decorator would be someone who concentrates on applying products and materials to the room and is pulling it all together as they go, taking it one piece at a time.

In other words, they’ve not gone through the design process and are not operating from a cohesive plan. They are more concerned with the individual elements of a room and how they look.

Let me just say for the record:

There is nothing wrong with this approach IF, as the client, you are comfortable with it. Your project might not require all the steps of the design process. That’s up to you to decide.

So should you hire a designer or a decorator? We’ll wade into that next time. So stay tuned!

Or better yet – sign up with your email above to have all posts delivered straight to your inbox!

REV-Up! Kim


Sharing Design Philosophy

I would like to interrupt my regularly scheduled THREAD to share a very interesting article from Fast Company, entitled

Pinterest’s Founding Designer Shares His Dead-Simple Design Philosophy” by Sahil Lavingia.

I know this is not the post that I promised this week, however I believe that Lavingia’s insights about design dovetail nicely with what we have been discussing the past few weeks.

Although my views are specific to interior design, and his come from a web design perspective, Lavingia hits several of the same points that I have been trying to convey about design in general. You can read the whole article here (and I highly recommend that you do).

The following are snipets from the article that I consider most relevant to our discussion:

  • “Design shouldn’t be designated a specific function or industry.”
  • “Design is shrinking the gap between what a product does and why it exists.”
  • “Stop thinking about design in terms of …visual style; it is about the product as a whole. Designing is figuring out the purpose of your product and how you orient everything else around it.”

[For our purposes, the “product” is our interior space].

  • “Good design is using reason to make decisions and to solve problems.”
  • “Every man-made object you use in real life is designed, from forks and desks to keyboards and grocery bags and are the culminations of many hours of thinking and many more hours of trial and error.” [Emphasis mine]

Remember in my previous post I talked about design, as a verb, being a thoughtful (aka thinking) process which culminates in the design, as a noun, of a space].

There is also a really great point made in the “Comments” section below the article that states:

“Good design is something you don’t see but miss when it’s not there.” by Juleeane Zett

Well said…I couldn’t agree more!

I hope you’ll take the time to read the entire article for its really insightful perspective on design. Next week Wednesday* I’ll resume with our current THREAD and attemp to answer what’s the difference between a designer and a decorator…I have a feeling I’ll be referring to this article!

*NOTE: This was originally posted Wednesday, Mar. 14, 2012 on my old blog.


DESIGN vs DECORATE Uncategorized

Design or Decorate – The Sequel

Can the terms “Design” and “Decorate” be used interchangeably?  We’ve already established that they are, all the time.

Should the terms be used interchangeably?…I say no.

Last week I explained the difference between the two when used in the verb tense.  Today let’s take a look at the difference when being used as nouns, which is even more elusive.

Take these two statements:

I love the design of that room!


I love the decoration of that room!

They seem pretty much the same right?  Both terms are referring to the final outcome of that room. But there is a slight difference in that design really means the culmination of the entire design process. Whereas decoration is more reflective of the individual products, finishes, and materials that have been applied to the room.

But let’s face it, nobody (including me) is going to take the time to analyze which of these two things they’re really trying to say. In noun form the difference is so minimal that it’s almost non-existent anyway. Plus you would have to know if there was even a design process involved to begin with.

It is possible to decorate a room, on the fly, without going through any real design process at all…I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s the harder way to do things. But it’s possible.

So what have we learned?…

Design (v.) is the BIG Picture process of planning that results in the overall design (n.) of a completed space.

Decorating (v.) is the final step of the design process. It is the physical execution of the details as specified by that process. The application of individual products, finishes, and materials to a space results in its decoration (n.).

The difference between the terms is very subtle, but different none the less!

Which leads us to our next big question:

“So then what is the difference between interior designers and interior decorators?”

Check out the next post as I attempt to answer. And be sure to sign up with your email above so you don’t miss a thing!

REV-Up! Kim

DESIGN vs DECORATE Uncategorized

Finally Explained…The Difference Between Design & Decoration

Can the terms “Design” and “Decorate” be used interchangeably?

Well they are, ALL the time. So a better question to ask is,

Should the terms be used interchangeably?”

In my youth my answer was definitely NO, but that’s because I defined the 2 terms as people “designer/decorator“, and my definition of a designer was someone who possessed the 3-E’s (education, experience, examination), and a decorator was someone who did not.

So according to this limited view, only designers designed.  Decorators decorated. End of story.

However, as I’ve gotten older and wiser, I’ve realized that this is a very narrow-minded stance of the interior design profession. So what’s my answer now?…

It’s still NO, but for completely different reasons. As I mentioned in my last post, in order to really understand the difference between the terms,

We must first understand the “what” as opposed to the “whom”.

Let’s dissect:

Both words can be used as nouns AND verbs. The verb decorate changes form to decoration or decor when used as a noun. However, the word design stays the same in either case which only adds to the confusion because the word design is often improperly substituted for both the verb and noun tense.

So let’s look at the verb tense first. You could say:

I am going to design my kitchen.


I am going to decorate my kitchen.

Both make sense, but they do not mean the same thing. In both, the words represent the action that will take place, but it’s that action that’s different.

To design is to engage in the creative, thoughtful process of planning.

This process includes, but is not limited to, such actions as:

  • dreaming
  • brainstorming
  • measuring
  • inventorying
  • surveying
  • analyzing
  • drawing
  • detailing
  • specifying
  • budgeting
  • researching
  • shopping
  • purchasing
  • bidding
  • scheduling
  • building (or hiring someone to build) and believe it or not…
  • decorating!

If you are designing something you are performing most, if not all of these tasks. So the term design is never an adequate substitute for any of these actions individually.

To decorate is to actually implement the final details of that plan, completing the design process. It is the last phase where someone is physically placing items or applying finishes and materials in a room.

You could decorate a pillow by sewing beads on it – applying the beads to the pillow. Assuming that you bought that pillow at a store, you did not design that pillow. You decorated it. You might have even designed the decoration (noun) that you applied to the pillow. But you still didn’t design the pillow.

The same premise holds true when dealing with a room. If you actually engage in the process of planning out your entire room and making decisions beforehand, you are designing. If you just start with shopping and then applying the things you bought or picked out, you are strictly decorating.

Make sense?…maybe. But now that you have a better understanding of the difference between the terms as verbs, it will be easier to grasp the even more elusive difference as nouns.

Be sure to catch the next post in this series as I attempt to explain…and after that we’ll tackle the difference between the “whom” – designers vs. decorators.

REV-Up! Kim


DESIGN vs DECORATE Uncategorized

Designer vs. Decorator – Is There A Difference?

A designer is someone who designs.

A decorator is someone who decorates.

Isn’t that clear as mud? If it were that easy then I wouldn’t need to write this post!

The reason the difference is so hard to explain is because everybody has a different definition of what interior design really is! And most of the time we are trying to describe the two terms as “people” (designer or decorator) which as we’ve already discovered is not easily done.

We interior designers tend to fall back on the explanation that a “designer” is someone who possesses the 3E’s (education, experience, examination) and a “decorator” is someone who does not. But guess what?…

Most “decorators” do not agree with that premise!

So we can’t just go around making this claim without any concrete evidence to back it up. That’s why the definition of “Interior Design” becomes so important. Even if you asked a 3E designer what services they provide, many would describe them exactly the same way as a non-3E/decorator would.

Just because a person went to design school doesn’t change the fact that they may be practicing the exact same way as someone who didn’t.

Sure, they elevated their credentials and increased their capabilities, but they also made the CHOICE to focus their practice on providing services that don’t necessarily require those capabilities.

Don’t get me wrong…as a 3E designer myself, I am not saying that our credentials don’t mean anything, because they most certainly do! All I’m saying is that –

The 3E’s alone do not give us exclusive rights over the entire profession known as “Interior Design”.

But they should give us the ability to distinguish ourselves, differentiate our services, and allow us to practice to the fullest extent of our capabilities — Capabilities that actually have some crossover into the practice of architecture.

I’ve come to realize over the years…

The terms “designer” and “decorator” MUST be defined NOT by “who” but by “what”.

If you can make sense of the what, then the who becomes an entirely different discussion.

This whole “Design vs. Decorate” thread is about sorting through all of that confusion and trying to make sense out of the whole debate.

Now if you’re a casual interior design enthusiast, you might be reading this and asking yourself, “What confusion? What debate?” But keep reading and you’ll soon learn. There are all kinds of fights out there in this country concerning this very topic.

Interior Design legislation is being proposed and opposed in almost every state.

It’s an ugly argument for sure, but one that I personally think is just a BIG misunderstanding! So hopefully you’ll stick with me as I try to paint the BIGGER picture of what “Interior Design” truly is and how it actually affects to you.

At the end of the day I believe that “Interior Design” is a HUGE arena and there’s room for us all!

Sign up with your email above to stay up to date with the latest discussions. And be sure to check out my next post…

“Design or Decorate – Which Is It?” – we’ll be discussing “what” design really means!