#8 – Design Your HOME One Room At A Time

Essential Interior Design Tip #8:

Design your HOME one room at a time.

Don’t you just want your home to be nice? And by nice, I mean a home that feels complete. At peace. A home that brings beauty to your life. A home full of rooms that make you sigh, “Ah” every time you enter.

Does your home already do this for you? If not, you’re probably always dreaming of how to make your rooms better. And if you’re like me, you probably find it hard to stop dreaming and start doing. It’s always a “someday” proposition.

There’s always an excuse.

There’s that problem with money. There’s never enough.

And there’s that problem with time. There’s never enough of that either.

But isn’t the truth that you’re really just overwhelmed by the whole thing. You think you will never have enough time or money to transform your entire home so why even bother. Or maybe you don’t even know where to start. Might I make a suggestion?…

Focus. Start with one room.

I don’t care which room. Any room. Pick a room and start.

This way the process isn’t so overwhelming. And guess what you’ll have when you finish that one room. A sense of relief. A sense of accomplishment. The energy and motivation to propel you to the next room.

You’ll have MOMENTUM baby! Before you know it your whole house will be done. Complete. Nice. Ah.

Of course I know I’m oversimplifying. I skipped right over the whole design portion of the project. But the beauty of the design process is that it scales to any size project. So start small with one room and go through “REV’s Design Process: 3 Stages | 6 Phases.”

No Exceptions

You might be thinking that building a new home or remodeling is an exception. After all, they’re multi-room projects requiring contract labor. And in order to save time and money you’d need to have the work completed in all the rooms at once.

But remember we’re not talking about labor. We’re talking about design. The rooms all need to be designed on paper before any actual labor begins. This also has the added benefit of accurate pricing – no more ballpark estimates! So the point remains…Go through the design process one room at a time.

Advantage to Focusing on One Room.

At first it may seem like a long road to haul. But there are advantages to focusing on just one room. Besides saving time, money, and headaches, all of the stuff in your other uncompleted rooms is suddenly up for grabs. You’d be amazed at what you can find in your own home when you let go of the notion that such-and-such belongs in a room just because it’s always been there.

Which brings us to our next tip…

Essential Interior Design Tip #7: Shop Yourself First.

Be sure to check it out!